It's been a crazy time since I've last posted, so I'll try to fill you in on what's happened.

If you weren't aware, I took part in condensed versions of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Two Gentlemen of Verona.
This epic evening of two plays took place in the middle of October, and it went really well!
It was a relief when it was all over, but I do miss it now.
What I think I loved most of all, was that I got closer to many of the cast members.
Some great friendships are being strengthened this semester! Love it!
Brennan's Halloween Bash was a huge success!
I threw a costume party at my friend Danny's house,
And there was a great turn out, and fun was had by all.
Did we make a new tradition? I think we might have.
I dressed up as Robin, while my friend Jared dressed up as Batman.
Epic Win.
This past weekend, I traveled with the Swim Team to Swanee for an overnight meet.
It was a lot of fun! While the trip and the meet were long, I was able to hang out with some of my favorite people ever.
I'm trying to think of what else I need to fill people in on..
However, nothing really comes to mind...
Except for I have a 10 page rough draft due Friday,
And another 10 page paper due Monday.
I'm going to be writing a lot this week.
And I still don't have any personal drive to do any work.
I'm at work right now.
Listening to the Glee Soundtrack.
(I freaking love Lea Michele. I will probably marry her.)
I'm really bored.
So, that's it for now.
If you feel the need to inform me that I should inform you about something, be my guest.
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